Solving Problems Within A Business Opportunity


Solving problems is not the Key, nor is knowing what to do with the problem, the Key. How you respond when problems arise in your business opportunity, your relationships or your life… that is the Key!

As long as you are alive and breathing…you will run into problems!

Unfortunately and fortunately, the scriptures make it clear, we will run into problems.

It is unfortunate that we will have problems…but fortunately the scripture not only warns us that we will have problems, scripture gives us the answers to solving problems.

Solving Problems Within A Business Opportunity

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. Romans 5:3 (NLT)

The scripture makes pretty clear…it’s not if...but when we run into problems.

When you run into problems, do you immediately begin solving problems? Do you lose your cool, run to the phone and whine to everybody about it? Do you try to get advice from people who have no clue or experience with the problem you’re having…and then they say…

solving problems

Why did this happen?

…”Everything happens for a reason.”

Yeah! Well, why did that 2 ton boulder roll off that mountain and fall on my car?

Solving Problems???

People mean well when they say, “Everything happens for a reason” but I can tell you…what they usually mean, is not the case.

God didn’t cause a rock to fall on my car to keep me from an accident that might have happened 5 miles down the street.

That…is not right thinking.

Thankfully I wasn’t in the car when this happened…but have you ever thought…sometimes there is not a reason for why some things happen.

Maybe they just happen.

Solving Problems or bad luck

If not for bad luck...I'd have not luck at all...

Maybe a rabbit sat on this rock, that happened to be on the edge of a mountain and caused it to shift, just enough to cause it to slide and come crashing down the mountain…landing dab, smack on top of my car, which just happened to be parked below.

I could say, “If it weren’t for bad luck…I’d have no luck at all” or I could thank God that I wasn’t in the car at the time.

Sometimes…life is that way. We will have problems in this life, but instead of running to the phone…let’s run to the throne! Don’t start solving problems until you’ve talked to God first.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)

When God presents you with an opportunity, problems are sure to follow. But it’s OK…if you have a relationship with God…He said, “I have overcome the world.”

That means that you too can overcome any problem with God.

Don’t forget to check out last week’s Calculating The Risk in Starting a Business Opportunity.

Solving problems with God is a done deal!

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