How To Make Money-Requirements To Prosper
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Everyone wants to know…How To Make Money! What are the requirements in order for us to prosper? What does God say about prospering and does He have requirements?
God wants you to be debt free and enjoying the abundant life!
Learn how to make money…He wants you to!
God knows that you need to learn how to make money and He wants you to! God’s Word says, “You will lend and not borrow.” Deuteronomy 15:6 How can you do that…if you are in debt and you are borrowing from the banks and everyone else.
God makes it pretty clear and simple!
God lays out a simple, but what seems like an undiscovered formula for how to make money. It’s found in Matthew 6:33. Simply put, if you desire a relationship with God, are a person of integrity (meaning you want to be an honest person in everything you do…even when no one is looking), then you don’t have any worries. You will have everything you need and more!
Requirements…How To Make Money
Here’s two Requirements To Prosper…biblically.
1. Have a relationship with God
- Spending time with God daily
- Consulting God about everything
2. Be a person of integrity
- Be a good steward of everything in your possession
- Desiring to be honest in everything you do, with or without people
- Desiring to help others
These requirements seem pretty simple! So, can you do them?
Here’s a secret…if you follow these simple steps…then all you have to do is be.
My spiritual father, Pastor Mark Crawford, often reminds me…”We are human beings, not human doings.”
In other words…we should just do what we naturally are able to do, when we follow the requirements above, God mixes in His Super and the results are Supernatural! Then we are fulfilling the requirements (getting into position)…for how to make money and as a result, we are working our way toward being debt free!
Find out more on “What Does God Says About Money” and how to make money here.